Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Houston Yoga Experience

Thanks in part to the group coupons out in the cyber world, I have had the chance to try a few yoga spaces. I must say that I have really enjoyed the yoga studios. I stated previously that I was so not feeling the space I previously wrote about. In May, I had the chance to experience Cura Yoga in River Oaks. I loved this place! The instructors were amazing and the location was great. The studio had a policy of not allowing air conditioning during the classes. Some instructors would have the a/c going before class and would have the ceiling fans on during the practice. Some instructors would not allow any air to flow at all and in the afternoon in the Houston was hot. The warmest class was 92 degrees. At first, I thought that there was no way I could practice yoga in a room that warm, but after about 15 minutes, I was amazed at how well my poses were working for me...including my mermaid pose ( which I can do now!)

My month is now finished with cura, but I am now onto another online coupon studio in Midtown that is also fantastic. I also was almost able to do the crow pose yesterday for 5 full inhales (picture above)

Another 30 days of yoga...happiness.