Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Houston Yoga Experience Thus Far

Since returning from London, yours truly has been on a quest to find a yoga studio. I recently joined a studio for a month of unlimited yoga and I must say that I have mixed feelings about the this place. The only yoga studio that I have attended in Texas was an amazing place in Austin. The center in Austin and my favorite center's in London were challenging, relaxing and most of all serene. The place that I attended here in Houston was challenging, but had more of a fun component to the classes. The main thing that stuck out for me with this particular studio was the people in attendance had a strong affinity for being incredibly corny. How can yoga be corny? My answer: I never knew it until now, but it really can...and the corniness can really be a distraction when you are reaching for deep relaxation.

In my experience with yoga, I have witnessed people showing off or trying to be the best in the class with very challenging poses and from what I hear from instructors that is not uncommon. The thing about this particular studio was the attendee's of the class were show offs, but were so hokie about their abilities. The one instance that really sticks out in my mind was a woman in her late 40's..she was in great shape. It was an afternoon class and the instructor had us doing hand stands against the wall. It's a challenge to maintain the pose for many reasons and a few people were having trouble staying in the position. Said woman was doing so well that she felt inclined to tell people around her ( while upside down) in a hubris tone that "It feeeeeeeels great to get out of the office on a Friday afternoon!!". A few of us managed to control our laughter, but several people around emphatically agreed with her and said things like "Aint that the truth" an "uh huh, sister!"

Maybe I had missed something and these people had all connected on a deep yogic level, but trying to control my eyes rolling or trying not to laugh isn't really my idea of stretching. Instances like this happened constantly and I found it incredibly distracting, while in the middle of a complicated poses someone shouting out "Savasana NOW!!!!" Savasana in Yoga is marked at the end of the class when the body and mind can rest. The person shouting this was not wanting the class to end, but was trying to garner cool points by trying to get cheap laughs from the class. The amazing thing was people did laugh and it just seemed to egg him on.

I am trying out another center soon and will be sure to write about that.

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